Legal Notice

Publishing DirectorLink to publishing-director

**Antoine Lin, Co-founder Bireme Lab & Managing Director Sidevision SASU.

The publication director can be contacted by email at: [email protected]

The website is published by Sidevision, SASU with share capital of 1,000.00 euros, headquartered in HOUILLES (78800) 29 rue Emile Combes, registered in the VERSAILLES trade and companies register under number B 887 682 128.

Intellectual propertyLink to intellectual-property

The content and photographs on this site are the exclusive property of Sidevision SASU, unless otherwise stated, and are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws in force in France and throughout the world. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation or use of these images, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Antoine Lin, is strictly prohibited.

For all requests to use or reproduce these images, please contact [email protected].

Hosting company detailsLink to hosting-company-details

This site is hosted by Vercel, Inc. a company registered in the United States of America with headquarters at 340 S Lemon Ave #4133, Walnut, CA 91789, USA.

About VercelLink to about-vercel

Vercel is a hosting platform for the deployment of modern websites and web applications, known for its ease of use and tight integration with front-end development frameworks such as Next.js. Focused on performance and optimization, Vercel offers serverless and static hosting solutions, enabling developers to build, test and deploy their applications quickly and efficiently. The platform is particularly appreciated for its ability to significantly improve site loading times, and for its continuous deployment system, which makes it easy to update content in real time. Vercel is aimed at individual developers, development teams and companies seeking to optimize their online presence through high-performance, modern websites.

For any questions relating to the hosting of this site, Vercel can be contacted directly via their website at